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Featured Products

Home page - featured products

You are seeing this message as you have enabled the Featured products section of your Home page options but have yet to choose a menu from the section titled: Home page - featured products and choose collection from the choose a collection dropdown.

To configure this section go to the theme Customizer and open the section named: Home page - featured products.
To rename the title of this section go to the Edit Language section and choose the Layout tab

Need more help? take a look at our tutorial.

From the blog

Home page - featured collections

You are seeing this message as you have enabled the Featured collections section of your Home page options but have yet to choose a menu from the section titled: Home page - featured collections

To configure this section go to the theme Customizer and open the section named: Home page - featured collections.
To rename the title of this section go to the Edit Language section and choose the Layout tab

Need more help? take a look at our tutorial.

Sample collection

Sample collection

Sample collection

Sample collection

Follow us on Instagram

Home page - instagram

You are seeing this message as you have enabled the Instagram section of your Home page options but have yet to add your Instagram credentials to the section titled: Home page - Instagram.

To configure this section go to the theme Customizer and open the section named: Home page - Instagram.

Need more help? take a look at our tutorial.

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